CAMRA Branch Hosting Server

Welcome to CAMRA's Hosting server.

Guides for implementing CAMRA Email services on popular Email Clients.


Outlook is a popular Email program provided as part of the Microsoft Office suite of programs. Over the years, Outlook has changed its design and the process for adding accounts has been simplified with much of the process now being automated. Unfortunately, automatic account discovery is something that the Hosting server does not allow due to Microsoft changing their processes, so users are required to enter these details manually to allow for a trouble free setup.

Please Note:

These instructions are for the new version of Outlook that is not part of the Microsoft Office 365 suite. If you are using the version provided with Office 365, please refer to the older guide here:

This guide in particular covers off how to add a Hosting Mailbox to the New Outlook on Windows.

To see instructions customised for your particular branch, please enter your branch email address below:

  1. Underneath your existing Mail Accounts, click "Add Account".
  2. When prompted, please enter the respective Email Address that you are trying to add and click "Continue".
  3. From the list provided, scroll down and select "IMAP", then click 'Continue'.
  4. Complete the form as shown with the respective data. I have outlined below the different fields and an explanation for each:
    • Password: This is the password for the email address you are setting up.
    • IMAP Incoming Server: This is the server address that will receive your emails. Based on your above email address entered above we have determined that your incoming mail settings should be:
    • IMAP Port: This is the port that your email client will use to connect to the server. Incoming mail port should be: 993
    • SMTP username: This is your email address that you are setting up:
    • SMTP password: You can leave this blank as it will use the password you entered above
    • SMTP Outgoing server: This is the server address that will send your emails. Based on your above email address entered above we have determined that your outgoing mail settings should be:
    • IMAP Port: This is the port that your email client will use to connect to the server. Outgoing mail port should be: 587
  5. The new Outlook will sync your emails from the Hosting Server into the Microsoft Cloud. We need to agree to this, simply click "Continue" when you are ready.

  6. It will now verify the connection, and perform the inital sync with the Hosting Server. Once it has finished, it will move onto the next screen automatically.
  7. When prompted, select "No, dont send optional data" and click "Continue" when ready.
  8. Review the text and then click "Continue" when ready.
  9. Should you encounter any issues, please email 'support(@)', and we will be able to provide further support if needed.

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