CAMRA Branch Hosting Server
Welcome to CAMRA's Hosting server.
Guides for implementing CAMRA Email services on popular Email Clients.
Mac Mail is a free and easy to use email client developed by Apple for use on Mac Computers. Mac Mail comes pre-installed on all versions of macOS and can cater for all different types of Email account, such as IMAP. Here we are going to configure MacMail to recieve email from the Hosting Server for your Branch Domain.
There are two different types of settings available, and this depends on how your Branch website is hosted.
If you are unsure, please contact your Branch Webmaster or simply email us on support(@)
- Open Mail from the Launchpad or from the 'dock'
- Click Mail from the top bar (next to the Apple button).
- Click "Add Other Account".
- Now select "Mail Account".
- Enter this information when promoted:
- Name - Enter the name you wish for the account to be shown inside Mac Mail.
- Email Address - Please enter the email address that you are trying to add.
- Password - Enter the account password.
Click 'Sign In'
Click to show Hosting settings
We now need to tell Mac Mail the details of the account you are trying to add. Ensure the form is completed as per the below:
- Email Address - Please enter the email address that you are trying to add.
- Password - Enter the account password.
- Account Type - Ensure this is set to "IMAP".
- Incoming Mail Server - Please enter your Branch Domain, such as is entered.
- Outgoing Mail Server - Please enter your Branch Domain, such as is entered.
Replace 'branch' with your specific branch
Click to show Beer Engine settings
We now need to tell Mac Mail the details of the account you are trying to add. Ensure the form is completed as per the below:
- Email Address - Please enter the email address that you are trying to add.
- Password - Enter the account password.
- Account Type - Ensure this is set to "IMAP".
- Incoming Mail Server - Please ensure "" is entered.
- Outgoing Mail Server - Please ensure "" is entered.
- We now need to select what information will be synced with the server. Hosting can only sync Mail items, so please untick 'Notes' before clicking 'Done'
- Once we have completed this, Mac Mail will now add the account to the list of accounts. Before we can use it, we just need to check one more thing. Ensure the account you have just added is selected, and then click "Advanced" in the main panel
- In order for Mac Mail to sync correctly with the server, ensure 'Path Prefix' is set to "INBOX" (this field is case sensitive, so please enter in capitals).
If you encounter any issues with the above, please drop us a line via our 'Contact Us' page and include any screenshots that may help us identify the issue.